The article addresses the challenges of assessing and modeling the investment attractiveness of Ukrainian regions. The research considers a taxonomic analysis to model investment attractiveness, taking into account indicators such as the volume of sales, capital investments, the number of employees, and pre-tax losses. The analysis was carried out for the years 2019-2022, which allows us to trace the change of the taxonomic indicator of development in dynamics. The rating of the regions of Ukraine by the investment attractiveness level was also offered in the research. This ranking helps identify which regions are more favorable for investment and can guide both domestic and foreign investors in making informed decisions. The article emphasizes the importance of evaluating and comparing the regions of the country according to certain indicators, as this reflects their ability to attract investments. The article also systematizes the economic performance indicators of enterprises for the top 5 regions of Ukraine in 2021. It is also determined which regions have the most favorable conditions for investors, and which regions require additional attention to improve the investment climate. The study examines the investment attractiveness of the regions located in the east of Ukraine through the lens of a full-scale invasion and its impact on the country's economic development. The study describes how Ukraine is making significant strides in overcoming the aftermath of the full-scale invasion, showing positive signs of economic growth despite ongoing russian aggression. The article emphasizes that certain regions of Ukraine do not possess sufficient capacities and opportunities to take leading positions in economic activities. It emphasizes that, thanks to financial support from international partners and the stabilization of the energy sector, the country and its regions have prospects for moderate growth in the overall value and volume of the investment market in the future. The value of the study lies in the analysis of investment attractiveness across regions of Ukraine for different periods of time, including the beginning of a full-scale invasion.
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