The article analyzes the formation of the concept of the network economy, identifies two main directions of formation and development of the network economy, namely: scientific and technological and information and communication. The scientific and technological direction is aimed at: research, development and practical use of information technologies based on the use of modern computer technology; formation and further development of information systems and their support infrastructure; development of information networks, development of resource provision of the network economy. The information and communication direction is aimed at creating prerequisites for the transition of the state to an information society, namely: large-scale use of information and communication technologies in all spheres of public life, transformation of information into a public resource for development, increasing the efficiency of information use and knowledge for management, satisfaction of information and communication needs of citizens, organizations and the state, etc. The current state of the development of the information and network economy in Ukraine was studied based on the indicators of the global indices of the development of the network economy. It is highlighted that the most important among them are the Network Readiness Index, the Global Network Interaction Index, the Global Innovation Index, the Global ICT Development Index, the Digital Economy and Society Index, Digital Evolution Index, World Digital Competitiveness Index, Economy Digitalization Index, etc. The analysis was conducted for 2020-2021, the Network Readiness Index, the Global Connectivity Index, and the Global Innovation Index were taken into consideration. The results of the analysis made it possible to state that positive changes are taking place in Ukraine in the field of information and network economy formation. At the same time, despite the progress achieved, our state still needs to create appropriate scientific and technical, organizational, financial, and legal support for the development of digital infrastructure, which is the basis for the formation of a digital economy, as well as ensuring the population's access to the use of digital technologies in all spheres of life. The state policy on the formation of the network economy is disclosed. The stages of formation of the information and network model of the economy in Ukraine are given. It was determined that Ukraine, like most countries, has some signs of a networked economy and has a high potential for using information, information resources and accumulated knowledge to achieve high economic indicators and full and effective participation in the modern global space.
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