The article substantiates the need to improve the efficiency of using the resource potential of hotel and restaurant business enterprises in the context of the dynamic development of the industry and current economic challenges. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to ensure competitiveness, market sustainability and compliance with consumer demands. The theoretical aspects of resource management are considered in detail, covering the key approaches to their optimisation: systemic, ensuring the integrity of processes and the interconnection of elements; innovative, focused on the introduction of modern technologies and solutions; adaptive, aimed at rapid adaptation to changes in the external environment. It has been determined that the introduction of an integrated model for improving the efficiency of resource potential contributes to the rationalisation of the use of material, financial, human, technological and marketing resources, ensuring a balance between development strategies and current tasks. A mechanism for implementing this model is proposed on the example of the Victoria Deluxe hotel and restaurant complex, which includes the stages of preparation, which includes resource audit and planning, introduction of innovations, monitoring of efficiency through the use of digital tools and scaling of successful practices. Significant attention is paid to innovative solutions, including the introduction of interactive mobile applications to automate customer service, smart energy systems to reduce energy consumption, wellness programmes to increase customer loyalty, and circular economy principles to minimise waste and increase resource efficiency. Adaptation of international experience in process automation, energy saving and innovative technologies expands the industry's development opportunities. The socio-economic significance of the implemented changes has been determined, which includes increasing competitiveness, optimising costs, improving the quality of services, as well as increasing customer satisfaction and enterprise revenues. The results of the study are of an applied nature and can be used to improve the system of managing the resource potential of other hospitality enterprises, ensuring sustainable development in the long term.
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