The purpose of the article is to investigate the possibilities and advantages of implementing modern digital tools for optimizing management decisions based on economic and mathematical modeling. The study is based on a systematic approach to the analysis of the integration of digital technologies and economic and mathematical modeling in the business processes of enterprises. Comparative analysis methods were used to study the effectiveness of digital tools and modeling. Theoretical modeling was applied to form algorithms for adapting technologies to business processes in various industries. The method of structural and functional analysis helped to identify key elements of integration and their impact on enterprise productivity. A conceptual model of the interaction of digital platforms and mathematical models to ensure strategic management was studied. The article examines the features of the integration of digital technologies and economic and mathematical modeling in the business processes of enterprises. It is determined that the digitalization of business processes is a key direction for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in modern business conditions. It is proven that the integration of digital technologies with economic and mathematical modeling opens up new opportunities for optimizing operational activities and strategic planning of enterprises. The main directions of implementing modern digital tools in combination with methods of mathematical analysis, forecasting and modeling are investigated. The advantages of an integrated approach to digitalization in the context of adapting models to specific industry needs are considered, which allows creating individual solutions to increase business efficiency. The importance of integrating economic and mathematical modeling as a basis for supporting strategic decisions is proven. It is substantiated that the combination of digitalization and modeling contributes to minimizing risks and developing flexible models for adapting enterprises to market changes, as well as ensuring an increase in their productivity and management efficiency in the long term.
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