Keywords: entrepreneurial ecosystem, information-network society, digital transformation, cluster ideology, stakeholders, innovation, regional development


The article explores the methodological aspects of entrepreneurial ecosystem development within the information-network society, which poses critical challenges for economic digital transformation. The study emphasizes the evolution of the ecosystem approach from cluster ideology and highlights the importance of integrating mechanistic and organic management principles to develop adaptive and sustainable organizational models. Key tools and practices that foster innovation, network collaboration, and value creation are analyzed in detail, with a focus on entrepreneurial ecosystem domains at macro, meso, and micro levels. The article identifies essential components and relationships within these domains and provides insights into their integration to achieve synergy. Drawing on examples from global leaders in digital transformation and findings from domestic studies, the research illustrates successful ecosystem implementation strategies and identifies barriers specific to emerging economies. The study particularly addresses Ukraine's socio-economic conditions, including regional development asymmetries and socio-cultural factors, which complicate the adoption of ecosystem methodologies. The author proposes tailored methodological approaches to designing entrepreneurial ecosystems in Ukraine that leverage principles of emergence, convergence, and partnership. Synchronizing interactions between ecosystem domains is viewed as a critical step toward enhancing functionality, stimulating entrepreneurial innovation, and improving competitiveness on a national scale. Furthermore, the research underscores the role of stakeholders as central drivers of ecosystem development. Stakeholder collaboration, when structured and coordinated effectively, facilitates dynamic resource exchange, innovation diffusion, and sustained economic growth. Emphasis is placed on fostering multi-level partnerships and addressing regional disparities to unlock the full potential of entrepreneurial ecosystems. This paper contributes to the theoretical and practical understanding of entrepreneurial ecosystems by offering an actionable framework for their design and development. It holds particular relevance for policymakers, regional authorities, and business stakeholders seeking to create resilient ecosystems capable of driving sustainable innovation and economic transformation in the digital era.


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