The paper examines topical issues of innovation activities of enterprises in the context of digital transformation, which is carried out when introducing new digital technologies and innovations, which makes it possible to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of business processes, improve the quality of goods or services, meet the changing needs and requirements of consumers, etc. The purpose of this article is to identify the main problematic issues and challenges in implementing innovations in the context of digital transformation, as well as the specifics of the interaction of these processes. The study finds that the introduction of new digital technologies ensures an increase in the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises, as well as their flexibility and adaptability, since the use of digital tools accelerates the adoption of correct management decisions, allows for a quick response to various market changes, and allows for a fuller response to changing customer expectations, which undoubtedly creates new competitive advantages for business. The author also found that innovation and digital transformation are interrelated and complementary processes. Digital changes are carried out with the participation of modern digital technologies, and digitalization, in turn, significantly affects the innovation activities of enterprises, providing them with digital tools for innovation. For a deeper analysis and understanding of the complexity of the development of innovations at enterprises in the process of digitalization, the key advantages and disadvantages, as well as the main risks associated with the implementation of innovative digital projects, are identified.In order to reduce the risks of the enterprise in the implementation of innovative digital projects, a modern toolkit for the effective implementation of innovative digital projects is proposed, which involves a systematic consideration of various problematic issues and ways to solve them in the development of this process. The main prospects for the development of innovative digital technologies in Ukraine and the world are outlined. It is concluded that the use of a systematic approach is an important condition for making effective management decisions regarding the innovative activities of an enterprise and overcoming obstacles to the introduction of digital innovations. Further research can be focused on conducting a deeper analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of innovative digital projects, as well as ethical and legal aspects of their implementation by domestic enterprises and promising areas for the development of the studied processes.
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