Keywords: cluster analysis, agricultural sector, regional development, principal component analysis, agriculture, spatial development, disparity, region


The primary objective of the research is to cluster Ukrainian regions based on key agricultural sector indicators using statistical classification methods. This approach allows for the identification of regional disparities in agricultural development levels. The relevance of this study arises from the need to develop effective agricultural policies tailored to the specific needs of each region, taking into account their unique levels of agricultural development. To achieve the research objective, cluster analysis methods were applied, specifically hierarchical cluster analysis and k-means clustering. The clustering process was based on normalized data for key agricultural sector indicators: the value of agricultural products, average monthly wages in agriculture, sown areas, grain production, crop yields, and livestock numbers. Two clustering methods were employed: Wards method, which minimizes the distance between clusters, and the k-means method, which determines the average values for each cluster. The cluster analysis results revealed that Ukrainian agricultural sector can be divided into three main clusters, each characterized by significant differences in agricultural productivity, wage levels, and other economic factors. The first cluster includes regions with the lowest level of agricultural development, the second cluster comprises regions with an average level of development, and the third cluster encompasses regions with high agricultural productivity and efficiency. The clustering process successfully identified the most and least developed agricultural regions, highlighting substantial territorial disparities in agricultural development. The findings provide insights into the spatial distribution of agricultural development in Ukraine, offering valuable recommendations for regional agricultural policy and targeted interventions aimed at improving the agricultural sector. This research demonstrates the importance of statistical methods for identifying regional disparities and can inform future strategies for sustainable agricultural growth in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Zomchak, L., & Dyda, A. (2024). REGIONAL DIFFERENTIATION AND DISPARITIES IN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR OF UKRAINE: A CLUSTER APPROACH. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (6 (15), 24-30.