Keywords: digital economy, digital transformation, innovative technologies, digital services, artificial intelligence, digital trends, digital literacy, sustainable development


The modern economy is increasingly integrated into the digital space, driving a pressing need for adaptation to global changes and rapid technological innovations. Research into the areas of digital transformation is essential to identify technologies of strategic importance for Ukraine, aligning with global trends and preparing the economy for seamless integration into international digital markets. This article aims to examine digitalization trends in the national economy, conduct a comparative assessment of the implementation of key digital technologies in Ukraine and EU countries, and identify the challenges and risks of digitalizing Ukraine’s economy at its current stage. The study outlines three distinct phases of economic digitalization from 2000 to the present, highlighting the major technological advancements defining each stage. The current phase is characterized by key digital trends such as generative artificial intelligence (AI), virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), decentralized finance (DeFi), central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), enhanced cybersecurity measures, and green digitalization initiatives. A comparative analysis of ICT adoption by businesses in Ukraine and the EU for 2021–2024 reveals a notable gap, with Ukraine trailing behind the European average across most indicators. Despite this, several promising areas for digital transformation in Ukraine have been identified, including expanding e-government services; scaling e-commerce and digital financial services; implementing AI and big data analytics; strengthening digital infrastructure; enhancing cybersecurity; promoting green digitalization. The research also highlights significant barriers to digitalization in Ukraine, including low levels of digital literacy, insufficient infrastructure, brain drain, restricted access to funding for innovation and technology deployment, regulatory challenges, rising cyber threats. Key risks associated with digital transformation include widening digital inequality between regions, growing dependence on foreign technologies and platforms, environmental challenges, ethical dilemmas related to AI. Digital transformation holds immense potential to drive sustainable economic growth in Ukraine. However, its success depends on a balanced approach that maximizes opportunities while proactively addressing associated risks and challenges.


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How to Cite
Pakhnenko, O., Mordan, Y., & Bozhko, M. (2024). ASSESSMENT OF PROMISING AREAS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE COUNTRY’S ECONOMY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (14), 259-264.