Keywords: intelligent system, artificial intelligence, neural network, digital transformation of the economy, conscious-volitional behavior, artificial intelligence as an institution of the development of a digital neural network economy, information-network space, AI unit


The concept of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming an integral part of our everyday lives, influencing how we work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. Scientific progress in AI has paved the way for numerous practical innovations that streamline tasks across various domains. From voice control systems and speech and symbol recognition to machine translation, document classification, digital services, and medical diagnostics, AI has introduced tools that enhance efficiency, accessibility, and convenience. Moreover, AI increasingly impacts everyday life, from personalized recommendations on streaming platforms and e-commerce sites to smart home devices that anticipate user needs. This vast range of applications illustrates the transformative potential of AI in reshaping numerous aspects of human activity, creating opportunities for efficiency and innovation across nearly all sectors of society. This study presents a critical analysis of existing definitions of «artificial intelligence» and identifies, from the authors' perspective, the main patterns of AI decision-making. The mechanism by which AI perceives the circumstances of objective reality is defined, and the fundamental ability of a cybernetic entity to correlate its behavior with socially acceptable processes is confirmed. It is suggested that there are numerous ways to describe artificial intelligence, pointing to the mechanisms of its key principles of operation, the spectrum of tasks it solves, and so on. The authors of the article state that the modern information, economic, and legal doctrine lacks a clear definition of «artificial intelligence». As a result of a comprehensive analysis of various sources of scientific information, the authors propose introducing an original definition of «artificial intelligence» into scientific circulation. The authors also highlight the practical significance of the work, which is driven by the current lack of legal norms and regulations that account for the specific nature of AI-related interactions. From the authors' perspective, the main provisions and conclusions of the study can be used to improve mechanisms for regulating «artificial intelligence» in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Mishustina, T., Pysarkova, V., & Hamzah, O. (2024). METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE USAGE: ESSENCE, TERMINOLOGY, AND LAW. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (14), 253-258.