Crisis events and processes that became the consequences of the full-scale war that began on February 24, 2024, are one of the main problems of the Ukrainian economy today. Solving the problems and difficulties caused by the war requires the search and implementation of new effective anti-crisis management measures to ensure economic protection and the proper functioning of enterprises in modern conditions. The main attention in the work is focused on the financial condition of energy sector enterprises and the conditions of their functioning. The object of the study is the process of the impact of crisis phenomena on the financial and economic condition of the enterprise. The subject of the study is the process of forming an anti-crisis management mechanism for the enterprise and its main stages of operation in an unstable environment. The following general scientific and special research methods were used in the research, in particular: analysis, synthesis, comparison, system approach, modeling, factor, graphical and tabular analysis. The development of an anti-crisis management mechanism for the enterprise is preceded by a clear assessment of the crisis situation and its main factors of influence on the enterprise, as well as an analysis of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise. Adherence to this sequence will help to form the main goals of applying the anti-crisis management mechanism for a specific situation and develop a clear system of operation of the anti-crisis management mechanism at the enterprise. Research objectives: analysis of the essence of the anti-crisis management process at the enterprise; analysis of the impact of the war on the activities of the energy sector of Ukraine; analysis of the financial and economic condition of the enterprise DTEK Energy LLC; development of a system of stages of implementation and operation of the anti-crisis management mechanism at the enterprise. An element of scientific novelty of the work is the formation of an anti-crisis management mechanism at the enterprise in an unstable environment. The practical significance of the research results lies in the development of effective measures and recommendations for predicting and counteracting crisis phenomena and processes in the work of the enterprise.
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