The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of the digital marketing strategy of enterprises in the conditions of the modern digital economy, namely: a generalized scheme of the formation of factors influencing the competitiveness of enterprises operating in the conditions of digital transformations is presented, the main tools of digital marketing are analyzed (search engine optimization, content marketing; e-marketing; web analytics; and the possibilities of their synergistic effect in the field of digital marketing. In the materials of the scientific research, taking into account the multifaceted nature of the formation of the digital marketing strategy of enterprises and the use of its modern tools, the corresponding components of the strategy were analyzed, the components of the modern innovative strategy of the enterprise's digital marketing were considered (collaboration with stakeholders; creation of video content about the enterprises activities and its publication in social networks; use of Social Media Marketing; provision of cross-integration of all social networks and their updates with the company’s website; transfer of the company’s website from a landing page to a site with a full structure, etc.). Formation of the company’s digital marketing strategy is one of the fundamental tasks of today, which creates conditions for making quick management decisions at all levels of management. Based on the need to ensure the revitalization of the state’s economic system in conditions of full-scale hostilities, it is necessary to implement innovative technologies and advanced world practices of digital marketing. Therefore, in order to maintain the high competitiveness of enterprises in the medium and long term, it is necessary to take into account the possibilities of digitalization in all spheres and directions of economic activity. As part of the subject of the specified scientific research, it is necessary to state that the digital marketing strategy is formed in the context of the active development of the digital economy, which requires a clear definition of the characteristics of the specified definitions. The digital economy is a relentless process of implementing strategic economic transformations in the field of digitization, which necessitates the formation and use of innovative digital marketing tools, based on the principles of competitiveness and innovative management solutions. Therefore, the non-linear nature of changes in risks and opportunities for enterprises in a highly competitive environment can be caused by a range of different factors, such as, for example, the number of competitors, the level of stakeholder involvement, the degree of development of technologies and innovations, changes in the economic climate, etc.
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