Keywords: solutions, creative agencies, tools, analysis, strategy


The article examines modern analysis tools used by creative agencies in the process of making strategic decisions. In particular, such technologies as business analytics, big data analysis, artificial intelligence tools, as well as specialized platforms for processing marketing and customer data are considered. An analysis of the key functions performed by these tools was carried out, including forecasting of market trends, analysis of consumer behavior, evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and optimization of internal business processes. Attention is focused on how the integration of modern analysis tools into the activities of creative agencies allows not only to make more informed strategic decisions, but also to increase competitiveness, adaptability to changes in the market environment and the formation of a long-term development strategy. As a result of the study, the key advantages of using such tools to improve the efficiency of agencies' work have been identified.


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How to Cite
Sahachko, Y., & Seyidali, K. (2024). MODERN ANALYSIS TOOLS AND THEIR ROLE IN MAKING STRATEGIC DECISIONS OF CREATIVE AGENCIES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (14), 231-236.