The purpose of the study is to outline the importance of accounting in the context of the digital economy, to reflect the vectors of its development with the comprehensive use of computer and communication technologies as well as to highlight practical issues in terms of adapting the BAS ERP system to the digitalization of electronic transactions accounting through the prism of acquiring. The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that digitalization of electronic transactions accounting is an important tool for increasing the competitiveness of business entities and optimizing financial processes. In order to achieve this goal, the article provides for the use of general scientific and special research methods. Among them, it is advisable to highlight the methods of systematization, theoretical generalization, systematic approach, induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis, grouping, analogy, abstraction and comparison. The article analyzes the dynamics of the Global Innovation Index of Ukraine for 2018-2024. The author outlines Ukraine's place in the global ranking of 133 countries. It is established that in the global innovation ranking for 2024, Ukraine ranks 60th, which is confirmed by the data of the Global Innovation Index report. It is determined that compared to the previous year, Ukraine's ranking has decreased by five positions. It ranks 4th in the group of lower-middle-income countries. An important component of this index is the level of implementation of information and communication technologies, which determines the state of the country's digital economy.The practical issues of adapting the BAS ERP system to the digitalization of electronic transaction saccounting through the prism of acquiring are highlighted. The advantages of using acquiring operations are identified, namely: the speed of settlements, the possibility of improving the image of the business entity, activation in terms of attracting new customers, the safety of money storage, and the reduction of cash collection costs. The vectors of development of accounting with the comprehensive use of computer and communication technologies are reflected. The attention is focused on informativeness, integration, communication, institutionality, control, optimization and protection, forecasting, management and analytical vectors, as well as on the active production of non-financial information. It is found that the digitalization of the economy greatly contributes to the modernization of accounting and the development of a significant number of its vectors.
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