The article presents the results of the analysis of the statistical data of the total indicators of the balance sheets of large and medium-sized enterprises operating on the territory of Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale military invasion, with an indication of the share of non-current assets according to the data of 2024. The formation of the composition of non-current assets in the EU countries is emphasized. In the presented scientific study, in accordance with the established goal, such methods were used as: analysis, synthesis and comparison – for detailing non-current assets; logical generalization and scientific abstraction – when clarifying the categorical-conceptual research apparatus; a systematic approach in improving the method of displaying information about the components of non-current assets on the accounting accounts and in the reporting of enterprises; historical – for identification of non-current assets in scientific works and regulatory and legal documents. The article analyzes the qualitative characteristics of the classification of non-current assets of the enterprise, analyzes the influence of the choice of methods of accounting for operations with non-current assets on the formation of the overall financial result of the enterprise. Effective use of non-current assets of the enterprise is one of the most priority tasks of management in modern conditions of transformational economic changes, globalization shifts, and digital economy. Today, in the conditions of the destabilization of the economic situation in the country, the basis for making managerial decisions at all levels of management is formed by the company’s accounting system. Therefore, the need to quickly respond to the demands and needs of interested stakeholders forms the prerequisites for high-quality innovative transformations and the need to improve the accounting of non-current assets in the company’s information system. However, ensuring the improvement of the accounting of non-current assets of the enterprise operating in the conditions of a full-scale military invasion of the country and the need to change the vectors of strategic development of the economic system as a whole were not considered in the works. Not all problematic aspects of accounting for non-current assets have been fully resolved.
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