Keywords: security, economic security, economic security of the state, threat, war


The existence of any socio-economic system is determined by the level of its security. The genesis of the perception of economic security and economic security of the state is traced. It was found out that the issue of economic security has been on the back burner for a long time, i.e. since the times of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Today's realities are different, because the civilized pursuit of interests involves the use of economic levers of influence, in contrast to military actions, which cause losses to both sides. The level of economic security of the state has a decisive influence on the provision of national security and each of its components. Ukraine's ability to resist military aggression directly depends on progress in the field of economic security of the state, in particular, in the implementation of protective measures against internal and external threats and the maximum effective use of every new opportunity. The main approaches in the interpretation of the concept of "economic security of the state" are summarized and critically reviewed, which contributed to the substantiation of the author's position. The purpose of the study is to clarify the content of the concept of "economic security of the state" based on the consideration of the historical stages of formation and critical analysis of the currently dominant approaches. In order to form the theoretical foundations of ensuring the economic security of the state, the following methods were applied: induction and deduction, comparison and systematization – in the study of the essential characteristics of the terms "security", "economic security", "economic security of the state"; synthesis and analysis – to outline today's current challenges regarding Ukraine's economic security; morphological analysis – to highlight key aspects and formulate the author's understanding of the concept of "economic security of the state"; graphic – for visual representation of theoretical and methodical material; abstract-logical – for theoretical generalizations and research conclusions. The main approaches in the interpretation of the concept of "economic security of the state" are summarized and critically reviewed, which contributed to the substantiation of the author's position. It is proposed to understand the economic security of the state as an activity related to protection from threats and creating conditions for using new opportunities to maintain the stability of the national economy, meet needs and achieve interests within the security hierarchy.


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How to Cite
Yaremchuk, R. (2024). ECONOMIC SECURITY OF THE STATE: GENESIS AND MODERN CHALLENGES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (14), 211-215.