The article is devoted to the actual problem of the development of the internal control organization system at the production enterprise through the prism of the latest theoretical postulates. The article analyzes the list of main goals of the organization of internal control of production enterprises in modern business conditions, reproduces the innovative algorithm of the organization of monitoring the internal control system at the production enterprise, and creates a list of modern methods of improving the organization of internal control at the production enterprise. One of the fundamental systems for ensuring the solution to the problem of cost reduction at production enterprises is the system of internal control. However, it is not perfect and not always properly organized in most of the relevant production enterprises. At the same time, internal control, as a separate management function, is a means of feedback between the object and the management body. Therefore, its purpose is to provide information about the current state of the object and the actual implementation of management decisions. It is in this area that improving the organization of internal control at a production enterprise is one of the main problems today. In the proposed algorithm for organizing the monitoring of the internal control system at the production enterprise, it is necessary to analyze the constituent elements: effective activity, efficiency of resource use, reliability of financial reporting, monitoring of deviations of planned indicators from actual ones, speed of management decisions, adaptability of management to changes in factors of the surrounding economic environment, leveling the influence real and potential economic risks and threats. Summarizing the results of the research, it can be concluded that the internal control capabilities of production enterprises are not used enough, because the management does not realize that the effective use of resources, the improvement of the financial results of the enterprise are connected with the constant, daily performance of control functions by all employees of the enterprise. At the same time, for the formation of effective internal control, it is no less important to identify modern methods of improving the organization of internal control at the production enterprise, which will contribute to the elimination of identified problems and the achievement of the general goal of the enterprise's functioning.
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