The article addresses the issue of information security in the context of the innovative development of business models for domestic enterprises within the digital economy. It analyzes the impact of digital technologies on the transformation of business processes, as well as the emerging risks and threats associated with the use of new technologies. Key aspects of ensuring information security are highlighted, including technical, organizational, and legal measures. The aim of this article is to explore information security in the context of innovative development of business models for domestic enterprises in the digital economy. The relevance of the topic is underscored by the rapid adoption of digital technologies, which presents new opportunities but also significant challenges for information security. Modern enterprises face emerging threats that could jeopardize their stability and competitiveness. An examination of scholarly articles, studies, and publications related to information security and innovative business models. Analysis of practical examples from domestic enterprises that have implemented innovative solutions in the context of digital transformation. Conducting questionnaires among business representatives to identify key issues and threats in the area of information security. The research findings indicate that most domestic enterprises recognize the importance of information security but struggle with insufficient preparedness and resources to ensure it effectively. The case studies demonstrated that enterprises actively adopting new technologies are significantly more likely to successfully adapt to digital challenges. Survey results highlighted the primary risks faced by businesses, including cyberattacks, data breaches, and the inadequacy of existing security measures. The practical value of this article lies in the development of recommendations for improving information security in domestic enterprises. It offers specific proposals for implementing innovative technologies that can help mitigate risks and enhance the resilience of business models. Additionally, the findings may be utilized to inform training programs and workshops aimed at raising awareness among entrepreneurs about the critical importance of information security in the digital age.
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