It was determined that Ukraine, like many other countries, strives to achieve energy independence and reduce the negative impact on the environment. The production of energy crops is considered as a promising area of energy development. However, in order to successfully realize this potential, it is necessary to solve a number of problems related to agricultural technologies, economics, environmental consequences and public policy. It was established that it is necessary to assess the ecological and economic aspects of the development of the production of energy crops in Ukraine. The aim of the work was theoretical research into the ecological and economic significance of the production of energy crops. The article considers the actual problem of the transition to renewable energy sources and analyzes the potential of energy crops in this context. The research covers a wide range of issues, including the environmental implications of growing energy crops, their economic feasibility, as well as social aspects. Special attention is paid to the comparison of different types of energy crops and the identification of optimal strategies for their use. The authors of the article offer recommendations for the development of bioenergy in Ukraine and other countries. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of ecological and economic aspects of the production of energy crops. Based on the conducted research, recommendations were formulated for agricultural enterprises and investors interested in the development of this direction. The research covers such issues as the selection of optimal crops for cultivation, the evaluation of the economic efficiency of projects, as well as the development of strategies for the balanced development of agriculture and energy. It was determined that in order to successfully realize the potential of bioenergy, it is necessary to take into account a number of challenges. Among them: competition for land resources with traditional agriculture, high initial investment, seasonality of biomass production and the need to develop the appropriate infrastructure. It has been argued that the choice of a specific energy crop to grow depends on many factors, including climatic conditions, soil quality, availability of markets and technological possibilities of processing. It is important to conduct a thorough analysis of each specific case before deciding on the implementation of bioenergy projects.
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