Keywords: bioenergy, potential, biofuels, methodology, evaluation, factors, development


The purpose of the article was the study of methodological aspects of bioenergy potential assessment and the development of own methodological tools for bioenergy potential assessment. The main research methods were: Systematic literature review – a detailed analysis of scientific publications related to the assessment of bioenergy potential was carried out. Special attention is paid to the variety of approaches, used methods and indicators; comparative analysis of methods by comparing different evaluation methods, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the scope of application. On the basis of the conducted analysis, a proprietary evaluation method was developed, which would take into account the specific conditions of the study and allow obtaining more accurate results. It was established that according to the forecasted assessment, the bioenergy potential of Ukraine in 2050 will increase and amount to 46.88 million toes, which includes 13.04 million toe. by-products of agricultural crops, 2.88 million t.e. – wood biomass, etc. and 2.8 billion m3 of biogas. It was determined that the formation of bioenergy potential is one of the key directions of the development of modern energy on the basis of the "green" economy. It envisages the use of biomass as an energy source, which contributes to reducing dependence on fossil fuels and reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The approaches to the theoretical and methodological aspects of bioenergetic potential assessment by various authors have been studied. Methodical approaches to the assessment of bioenergy potential from the point of view of economic efficiency and environmental factors have been studied. The methods of individual authors that take into account a complex of factors aimed at assessing the ecological and economic efficiency of biofuels have been studied. An analysis of the feasibility of the development of public-private partnership in the bioenergy sphere was carried out. It was determined that the development of biofuel production requires significant investment resources, and in the conditions of martial law, state incentives cannot provide adequate support, so the development of public-private partnership mechanisms is advisable. It is substantiated that the development of the bioenergy potential of Ukraine is possible only under the condition of active state support. It has been determined that financial assistance, tax incentives and favorable legislation are key elements that will attract investment and accelerate the development of the industry. A universal method of assessing bioenergy potential has been developed, which will allow to assess the potential for the development of bioenergy in a specific region, to develop optimal strategies for the use of biomass, and to make informed decisions about investments in bioenergy projects.


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How to Cite
Furman, I., & Ksenchyn, D. (2024). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE FORMATION OF BIOENERGETIC POTENTIAL. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (14), 59-66.