The topic of transforming the information and analytical support of organization management in the context of global digitalization is of great importance for the effective management of an organization. It contributes to the creation of efficient, transparent and adaptive management processes that provide competitive advantages in a dynamic digital environment. The study focuses on the introduction of new information systems for collecting, processing and analyzing data in real time. The study is based on the transformation of information and analytical support for the organization's management in the context of global digitalization, which includes: the use of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, machine learning to automate data collection and analysis processes; integration of various data sources, which allows to obtain a complete picture of the organization's activities and external environment; the use of analytical tools for processing large amounts of data (Big Data), which allows for more accurate forecasts and identifying hidden trends; cloud technologies, which allow for increased mobility and efficiency of decision-making; automation of data collection, processing and visualization processes frees up human resources to perform strategic tasks. The analysis has shown that the data mining approach to business intelligence is becoming increasingly important in the modern world, where data is the basis for decision-making. This approach involves the use of various methods and technologies to collect, process, analyze and visualize data, allowing organizations to obtain valuable information and make informed decisions. It is concluded that the approach to data analysis as a method of business intelligence can help identify existing gaps in research and practice, and point to new areas for further study. The practical significance of the study is that digital technologies in the information and analytical support of organizations provide opportunities for more efficient management of organizations, active promotion of the principles of sustainable development in the context of global digitalization.
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