Keywords: Industry 5.0, sustainable development, artificial intelligence, socio-economic development, production technologies, environmental impact


The article provides a detailed analysis of the impact of Industry 5.0 on sustainable development in the context of globalization, emphasizing its role in transforming economic, environmental, and social aspects. Industry 5.0, characterized by the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, 3D printing, the Internet of Things (IoT), and big data, creates new opportunities for reducing environmental impact and optimizing resource use. Through these technologies, enterprises can more effectively manage production processes, thereby reducing emissions of pollutants and lowering raw material costs. Furthermore, the article highlights the transition to a circular economy, which involves the reuse of resources and waste reduction. This not only enhances the efficiency of business models but also provides greater resilience for enterprises in the global economic environment. At the same time, Industry 5.0 promotes the creation of new jobs, particularly in technology and innovation sectors, which require new skills and competencies from workers. The article also discusses the main challenges faced by companies and governments during the implementation of Industry 5.0. Among these challenges are the need to develop new regulatory mechanisms that consider emerging technologies and the issues of training and retraining personnel, as technological changes demand workers adapt to new realities. Practical recommendations for governments, businesses, and the academic community focus on strategies for implementing innovations, developing educational programs that meet modern labor market requirements, and creating an effective legal framework for regulating relationships in the field of new technologies. In conclusion, the importance of continuing research in this field is emphasized, as only a comprehensive approach to implementing Industry 5.0 can contribute to achieving global sustainable development goals, such as combating climate change, ensuring social equity, and improving the quality of life for the population. The article calls for active collaboration among all stakeholders to realize the potential of Industry 5.0 in the context of sustainable development.


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Nahavandi S. (2019) Industry 5.0 – A Human-Centric Solution. Sustainability, vol. 11 (16), pp. 371–385.

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How to Cite
Nechyporuk, L., & Kocherhina, O. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF INDUSTRY 5.0 ON THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ECONOMY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (14), 27-32.