Keywords: digital transformations, digital economy, scenarios, IT, forecasting, restructuring


The article examines the scenarios for restructuring Ukraine's economy using the digital economy model. The article aims to obtain a new descriptive model of the digital Ukrainian economy based on the definition of development patterns and forecasting scenarios of the restructuring of the national economy, summarising the problems and outlining the development potential of the IT sphere of Ukraine. The successful solution to such issues will help increase the competitiveness of the Ukrainian national economy, stimulate innovation and create new jobs, which is relevant from the point of view of post-war economic recovery. The following research methods are used: systematisation and generalisation, system approaches, analysis and synthesis, modelling, statistical analysis, abstract logical analysis, and graphic method. Based on the study's results, the development scenarios of each component of the descriptive model of the digital economy of Ukraine were determined. The results showed that the IT industry is the engine of the digital economy and has demonstrated its resilience to crisis situations, even in wartime. The industry continues to fulfil contracts and export services, provide foreign exchange earnings, and support the economy. Today's performance in IT is much better than in other sectors, mainly due to its mobility, flexibility and ability to work remotely. The main result of the article consists of obtaining scenarios for restructuring the Ukrainian national economy to the digital economy model. For this purpose, the study developed a descriptive model of the subject area. Based on the model, the state was analysed using statistical data, and scenarios of further development of the digital economy were predicted. The main contribution consists of the systematic analysis of scenarios and their description of the state of the Ukrainian economy. The study results have important practical significance for managing the Ukrainian national economy and the development of the state during digital transformations.


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How to Cite
Lubchak, V., Barchenko, N., Kubatko, O., Martynova, N., & Voronenko, V. (2024). FORECASTING OF THE RESTRUCTURING SCENARIOS OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY TO THE MODEL OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (5 (14), 16-26.