The research of project-analytical instruments for the intellectualisation of economic systems, substantiation of the system of development strategies and vectors of start-up projects is a methodological task for Ukrainian enterprises that need innovative solutions to activate their potential for reconstruction in the context of war and post-war recovery. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the methodological instruments for project-analytical support of intellectualisation and start-ups in strategising the effectiveness of the implementation of the development potential of economic systems. The authors used analytical instruments for comparing the actual and optimised state of the potential, applied methods of choice variability, structuring and grading of the intellectualisation profile, spatial visualisation, economic methods of strategic analysis, cost evaluation and economic efficiency. The article describes the strategic principles of management of development potential in the context of intellectualisation of economic systems. This allowed to substantiate the parametric model of ‘activation of development potential reserves’ (ADPR) for choosing strategic directions of activation and realisation of the development potential of an economic system, based on the management of the indicator of efficiency of use of potential and its impact on the choice of forms and strategies of transformation. The ‘ADPR’ model reflects the coherence and unity of the system of analytical parameters in assessing the compliance of the profile of implementation of the development potential with the level of intellectualisation of the economic system. A matrix of activation of reserves in the management of resource provision, accumulation, efficiency and implementation of start-up results, called ‘RAEI’, has been proposed. The RAEI matrix is based on a pre-project analysis of the cost parameters and structure of development potential. Based on the RAIE matrix, the article presents a choice of economic system development strategy in the context of intellectualisation, which reflects the direction of influence of the chosen functional strategy on the vectors of start-up projects. The authors propose that at the end of the project-analytical activity, the impact of the set of parameters for activating development potential reserves on the efficiency of intellectualisation should be analysed. The applied results reveal the author's instruments for conducting project-analytical activities in the strategy of economic development in the context of intellectualisation.
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