Every day, we encounter digitalization in every aspect of our lives without realizing it. From checking emails on our smartphones to using online banking and social media, digital technologies have become an integral part of our everyday lives. But how can digitalization affect the efficiency of business operations? Digital transformation is fundamentally changing approaches to business intelligence, providing new opportunities for data analysis and decision-making. Modern technologies allow businesses to analyze information more deeply, identify customer needs more accurately, and improve business processes. This makes it possible to understand market trends and consumer behavior, which contributes to increasing business efficiency and flexibility in the face of rapid changes in the market. However, along with these benefits, digitalization also brings new challenges and tasks, such as data protection issues and a shortage of qualified specialists. For a successful digital transformation in business intelligence, companies need to invest in developing technological infrastructure, staff training, and implementing modern tools, while taking into account possible risks and challenges. The article focuses on how innovative technologies can play a decisive role and improve the decision-making process in the business market, what strategies can help businesses successfully implement digital tools, and what investments in infrastructure and staff training are needed to maximize the effect. The article focuses on how innovative technologies can play a decisive role and improve the decision-making process in the business market, what strategies can help businesses successfully implement digital tools, and what investments in infrastructure and training are needed to maximize the effect.
Siebel, T. M. (2019). Digital Transformation: Survive and Thrive in an Era of Mass Extinction. Audible Studios, 215 p.
Edwards, A. V. (2015). Digital Is Destroying Everything: What the Tech Giants Won’t Tell You about How Robots, Big Data, and Algorithms Are Radically Remaking Your Future. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 246 p.
Є. Смерека (2023) Штучний інтелект для бізнесу: які завдання здатен вирішувати та в яких галузях допомагає URL: (дата звернення: 01.08.2024 р.)
YouControl — сервіс перевірки контрагентів. URL: (дата звернення: 03.08.2024 р.)
Least Square Method URL: (дата звернення: 03.08.2024 р.)
ТОВ «ГЕНЕЗИС УКРАЇНА» (дата звернення: 05.08.2024 р.)
Siebel, T. M. (2019). Digital Transformation: Survive and Thrive in an Era of Mass Extinction. Audible Studios, 215 p.
Edwards, A. V. (2015). Digital Is Destroying Everything: What the Tech Giants Won’t Tell You about How Robots, Big Data, and Algorithms Are Radically Remaking Your Future. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 246 p.
Ye. Smereka (2023) Piece intelligence for business: what kind of work should be done and what problems will it help with? URL: (Accessed 01 August 2024)
YouControl — counterparty verification service. URL: (Accessed 03 August 2024)
Least Square Method URL: (Accessed 03 August 2024 р.)
TOV "GENESIS UKRAINE" (Accessed 05 August 2024)