• Lіudmуla Pronko Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
  • Serhii Nedobeiko Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
Keywords: food security, energy security, territorial communities, martial law, economic instruments, agriculture, energy, biofuels, sustainable development


The article is devoted to the urgent issue of ensuring food and energy security of the territorial communities of Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale war. The economic instruments that are used to support the agricultural sector and the energy industry are analyzed, as well as the prospects for the development of these industries are considered. The study emphasizes the importance of developing biofuel production as an effective way to ensure the country's energy independence and stimulate the development of agriculture. The authors propose a number of measures to support this direction, such as creating favorable conditions for investment, ensuring access to financing and technology for small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the introduction of energy-efficient technologies. In addition, the article emphasizes the need to strengthen the role of territorial communities in ensuring food and energy security. The authors note that delegating authority to communities, providing them with financial resources and providing expert support will improve the efficiency of resource use and ensure greater transparency. The results of the research can be used for the development of state policy in the field of ensuring food and energy security, as well as for the development of programs to support territorial communities. The obtained conclusions will be useful for state authorities, local governments, scientists and business representatives who are interested in solving problems related to food and energy security of Ukraine. It has been proven that ensuring food and energy security of territorial communities under martial law is one of the most important tasks for Ukraine. The analysis of the applied economic instruments indicates a comprehensive approach, which includes both direct support to the agricultural sector and the energy industry, as well as regulatory measures. However, in order to achieve sustainable results, it is necessary to strengthen the coordination of efforts at all levels of government, expand the use of innovative technologies and intensify cooperation with international partners. Special attention should be paid to the development of rural areas, support of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as implementation of energy-efficient solutions. It was determined that the development of biofuel production is an important direction of ensuring Ukraine's energy security and contributes to achieving the goals of sustainable development. With the help of a set of measures aimed at supporting this sector, Ukraine can not only reduce its dependence on energy imports, but also create new opportunities for economic growth and improvement of the environmental situation.


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