Digital transformation is based on innovative solutions in four areas: mobility, cloud, big data/analytics and social networks. A special place among these technologies is occupied by the field of logistics, which plays a fundamental role in the economic growth of the country and maximally contributes to changing people's lives for the better, helps people to expand their opportunities in real time. In the logistics activities of enterprises and organizations, there is now the most important transition stage, when new high-speed technologies are intensively introduced, the range of services and customer service modes is expanded, and the structural restructuring of the industry begins. The constant growth of data traffic leads to the creation of huge networks that require significant financial costs to support the logistics infrastructure, and the future deployment of 5G will only increase costs at every point of the ecosystem. With the advent of 5G and the explosion of IoT prospects, the network structure that has served the industry for so long is showing its cracks, leaving companies rightfully worried about how they will manage demand and generate revenue.
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Kam Pui, Liu, Chiu Weisheng. Supply Chain 4.0: the impact of supply chain digitalization and integration on firm performance. Asian Journal of Business Ethics. 2021. № 10. Р. 371–389.
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