• Tetiana Prydak Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Olha Leha Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Dmytro Koblytskyi Poltava State Agrarian University
Keywords: innovation, price, pricing, factors, influence, innovative products, martial law


Innovation pricing is the process of determining the value of new technologies, products or services that are introduced to the market. It is an important part of strategic management for companies that develop innovations and includes the evaluation of development cost and customer value, competition, target audience, and strategic intellectual property objectives. For the manufacturer of innovative products, it is important to commercialise them and ensure profit from sales, so companies should monitor market needs, update the range of products and, most importantly, reasonably implement a pricing policy based on flexible pricing tools. Therefore, the issue of price formation for innovative products and the influence of factors on innovative pricing policy is actualised. It has been established that enterprises operating in the market of innovative products face a number of obstacles, which include rising costs, unfavourable political situation, low demand, unfavourable regulatory climate, excessive taxation, high competitive pressure, constant changes in legislation, problems with energy supply, lack of qualified employees. The increasing cost of innovation is directly related to the price of innovation. The cost of innovation often reflects the complexity and resources required to create and implement it. However, over time, these costs may decrease and the prices of innovative products may become more affordable due to improvements in technology and increased production volumes. It is in these conditions, it is necessary to build such a pricing policy, which should ensure the effective functioning and development of the business entity. Also, based on the study of scientific publications, the systematisation and grouping of factors affecting innovative products was carried out. It was found that the pricing of enterprises in the market of innovative products is significantly influenced by the market environment and the level of solvency of consumers. On the basis of the conducted research the algorithm of pricing of innovative products is constructed.


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How to Cite
Prydak, T., Leha , O., & Koblytskyi, D. (2024). PRICE FORMATION FOR INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS: SYSTEMATISATION OF FACTORS OF INFLUENCE. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (4 (13), 159-166.