• Vasylyna Kolosha Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Halyna Fyliuk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Nataliia Savchuk Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Keywords: digitalization, mergers and acquisitions, artificial intelligence, due diligence, blockchain


The article argues that mergers and acquisitions are one of the most common ways of implementing a growth strategy in the modern economy. The role of mergers and acquisitions for companies’ business expansion and implementation their growth and development strategy is exposed. The main motives of companies’ merger in the age of digitalization are revealed. The authors analyzed an impact of digital technologies overall and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in particular, especially on the mechanism of realization and efficiency of mergers and acquisitions. The dynamics of a change in number of agreements of M&A worldwide during 2013-2022. The authors exposed the ways in which digital tech influence M&A agreements. It has been proven that digital technologies are able to reduce risk and uncertainty related to concluding agreements, and also decrease time, human and financial costs. The benefits from implementation of Artificial intelligence and Due diligence (DueD) during the process of companies’ merger are highlighted. The authors prove that AI and DueD are able to increase quality of information analysis, to reduce the probability of making mistakes, to release human resources from iterative time-consuming processes and to use them in knowledge-based industries in which human interaction can create higher value. It was found out that digital technologies through the influence on the mechanism of concluding agreements change the industrial structure of corporate control market. The authors revealed main problems and special features of using Due diligence. Major risks related to implementation of digital technologies to mergers and acquisitions are described both for merging companies and whole economy. Authors argue that Ukraine doesn’t fully exploit its own potential of digitalization and it has a negative impact on investment attractiveness of Ukrainian companies. That’s why an urgent task for Ukraine is to digitalize merger and acquisition between national companies and to implement Artificial intelligence before, during and after concluding M&A agreements, especially under military economy. Authors formulated the hypothesis according to which those M&A agreements which are conducted during the war time will be expected to implement due diligence in order to check the reliability of target company and reduce risks of integration of merging companies. Digitalization of Ukrainian companies is going to stimulate an attraction of foreign direct investment to Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Kolosha, V., Fyliuk , H., & Savchuk, N. (2024). AN IMPACT OF DIGITALIZATION ON MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (4 (13), 148-153.