The study is devoted to digital ecosystems, as complex structures of network interaction of economic agents and digital space, which arises as a result of the convergence of means of the economic, telecommunication, and information technology industries. The purpose of the article is to distinguish the digital ecosystem as a certain class of classic economic systems, to determine their characteristic features and prospects for development in Ukraine. Attention is focused on such features of the digital ecosystem as the variety of interdependent components and environment, the need to take into account the vulnerability of dynamic balance. It has been proven that digital ecosystem architecture should include such components as technological infrastructure, data infrastructure, financial infrastructure, institutional infrastructure and human infrastructure. It is determined that the overall advantage of a digital ecosystem results from the combination of a digital platform and a large number of partners who participate in the digital ecosystem for mutual benefit and whose interaction leads to network effects. It has been proven that digital ecosystems meet the real needs of potential consumers, provide additional values for all partners involved in the ecosystem service, and are attractive to both suppliers and consumers of goods and services. In this regard, it is important to have an integrated view of business, technical and legal aspects for all points of the digital ecosystem model. The work highlights key trends that stimulate the formation and development of digital ecosystems: development of new products and services based on a combination of a large number of technologies and innovations; the development of the Internet of Things, which makes the physical world accessible to business; focusing on key competencies and collaborating to develop innovations with stakeholders at all levels; growing number of platform business models and "everything-as-a-service" that stimulate partnerships between companies; the development of the economy of algorithms for the formation of new models of cooperation. It is proposed to begin the formation of digital ecosystems in Ukraine with the revision of already existing digital models to accurately identify its weaknesses and attract various funding channels to strengthen weak components. One of the key tasks of state policy should be to ensure a ubiquitous, high-performance, maximally compatible technology and data infrastructure. For this, such measures as the creation of a favorable regulatory regime, direct capital investments, the creation of public-private partnerships and the establishment of quality standards can be used. All this should be supported by an enabling legal and institutional infrastructure that promotes capacity building in the field of digital innovation in the country.
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