The article analyzes the criterion of competitive advantages of the tourism industry subjects, considering it as an element of the tourist entity’s competitive potential. This criterion includes tourist infrastructure, tourist attractions, and potential opportunities. The study seeks to reveal and analyze the dynamics of competitive advantages of the tourism industry subjects. The task is to evaluate the dynamics of competitive advantage indicators from the standpoint of the competitive potential of the tourism industry subjects. The dynamics of the number of tourists served by tour operators and travel agents in various regions of the country in 2016-2021 demonstrates a positive trend, except in 2020, when crisis phenomena related to the COVID-19 pandemic deeply affected the tourist industry. The study findings argue that the growth in the number of tourists served by tour operators and travel agents and the number of travel packages sold by tour operators is an indicator of the growth in the popularity and attractiveness of subjects, which leads to an increase in incomes, expansion of development opportunities, and improvement of the overall competitive potential. Attention is drawn to the indicator of the average cost of one ticket sold by tour operators and travel agents in the regions of Ukraine in the studied period since this indicator reflects the rank of exclusivity and prestige of the business entities' offers. The number of travel days according to travel vouchers sold by tour operators and travel agents, the indicators of the number of objects of the nature reserve fund (NPF), and their size in the regions in the 2016-2021 period have also been examined. The integrated index of competitive advantages of tourism industry entities by region was calculated. The research findings prove that natural resources and picturesque landscapes (the land area of the objects of the nature reserve fund) are a significant competitive advantage that attracts tourists searching for ecotourism and adventure recreation.
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