The article identifies critically important reasons for understanding the essence of the definition "digital transformation" and systematizes the approaches of economists to understanding the essence of digital transformation. A proper definition of the definition "digital transformation" has been formulated, by which we understand the process of integration of information and communication technologies into the economic system of the state with the aim of qualitative changes in its characteristics based on the use of innovative components. The index of digital transformation in Ukraine was studied in dynamics. The digital transformation index contains 8 sub-indices (institutional capacity, development of the Internet, development of the Administrative services center, implementation of the paper-free regime, digital education, business card of the region, penetration of basic e-services, industry digital transformation), 28 indicators and 88 indicators. It was found that the index of digital transformation in Ukraine shows positive dynamics, but there is still significant potential for growth. There is a significant difference between the regions of Ukraine in terms of the level of digital transformation. The western regions are the most developed in this regard, while the eastern regions need additional investment and efforts. The factors that restrain the pace of development of digital transformation in Ukraine, in particular, the uneven development of digital infrastructure, the lack of qualified specialists in the field of information technologies, the low level of digital literacy of the population, the integration of digital technologies in all spheres of life, have been identified. Directions for accelerating the pace of development of digital transformation are proposed, the implementation of which will contribute to the growth of the economy, improvement of the quality of life, and strengthening of statehood.
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