The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical foundations of the development and implementation of the educational institution development program. The article indicates the importance and essence of the educational institution development program in modern conditions. In particular, it is stated that the development program of the educational institution is a strategic document that defines the main directions, tasks and measures to improve the functioning and increase the efficiency of the educational institution. The purpose of the article is to investigate the theoretical foundations of the development and implementation of the educational institution development program. The article contains the main regulatory and legal documents that regulate the development and implementation of the development program of the educational institution. The special function of the founder of the educational institution in the development and implementation of the development program of the educational institution is considered. Namely, it is stated that the integration of the educational institution's development strategy with the local development strategy is critical for success. In this case, educational institutions are not neglected, and their well-being becomes part of the strategic activities of the local community. The stated principles of the educational institution development program include such as systematicity, scientificity, purposefulness, flexibility, transparency and openness, inclusiveness, monitoring and evaluation, as well as with their content is clarified. The contents of the educational institution development program components include, in particular, the analysis of the current state of the educational institution, determination of strategic goals, development of tasks and measures, resource provision, development of personnel potential, monitoring and evaluation, interaction with the public. It is stated that the development and implementation of the development program of the educational institution ensure its progressive development, improvement of the quality of educational services and creation of favorable conditions for education and upbringing of students. According to the results of the analysis of the existing approaches to the definition of the structural elements of the development program of the educational institution, such as the introductory conceptual and ideological component, the definition of the main areas of activity, the sequence of strategy implementation, risk assessment and expected results were singled out in the article.
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