The article addresses the relevance of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of financial management strategies for enterprises in the agricultural sector, driven by the importance of the agricultural sector for Ukraine's economy and the need to develop new approaches to managing financial resources. The relevance of the topic is underscored by the agricultural sector's critical role as a key element of the national economy, ensuring food security, promoting rural development, and creating jobs. The study aims to identify key aspects of effective financial resource management for agricultural enterprises, which will enhance their financial stability and competitiveness in the face of globalization and economic instability. The research methods included the analysis of financial indicators, risk assessment, and modeling of financial strategies considering the specifics of the agricultural sector. The analysis enabled the identification of the main factors affecting the financial management effectiveness of agricultural enterprises, such as optimizing capital structure, cost management, implementation of modern technologies, and product diversification. The use of modern technologies and automation of production processes is a crucial factor in enhancing the efficiency of financial resource management. The main results of the study include the identification and substantiation of directions for improving financial management in agricultural enterprises. These directions encompass regular analysis of production and sales costs, cost optimization, and revenue enhancement. Another important aspect is product diversification and market expansion, which reduces the risks associated with dependence on a single product type or market. Improving product quality and actively promoting products using modern marketing strategies allows enterprises to stand out among competitors and increase their market share. The study concludes that optimizing capital structure, automating production processes, actively promoting products in the market, and risk management are key to improving the financial stability of agricultural enterprises. Future research prospects include developing new financial management models that consider the specific conditions of the agricultural sector and introducing innovative technologies to enhance the efficiency of financial resource management.
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