• Pavlo Fisunenko Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Maxim Chernysh Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Keywords: foresight, economic security, construction company, factor, concept


In terms of the negative impact of the factors of a full-scale military invasion on the territory of Ukraine and the complication of threats of destabilization of the economic system, it is necessary to ensure the foresight of the economic security of strategically important sectors of the national economy, one of which is the construction sector. Reproduction of key vectors of strategic development of construction companies is a priority area of state management. The article reveals the theoretical and methodological principles of interpretation of the definition «economic security of a construction enterprise» as the main principle of economic security of the national economic system as a whole. The paradigm of ensuring the economic security of construction companies is caused by the need to match economic shifts with the conceptual principles of the formation and development of priority strategic sectors of the national economic system. Taking into account the multifacetedness of the specified economic categories in the field of formation of the theoretical and methodological bases of ensuring the economic security of construction companies and the need for transformational transformations in the field of economic support at the level of state management, the foresight of this problematic aspect acquires priority importance in order to form strategic priorities of economic development. The foresight of the economic security of construction companies necessitates the implementation of complex economic solutions at the level of state management in order to meet the modern requirements of world practice in the field of business. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the multifacetedness and versatility of the definition of «economic security of a construction enterprise», which formulates the generalized principles of its provision and reduces the impact of potential economic risks. In the materials of the scientific research, the main list of approaches to understanding the conceptual foundations of economic security of construction enterprises is given, the peculiarities of the impact of negative factors of the surrounding economic environment on the activities of enterprises of the specified business sphere are analyzed.


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