• Volodymyr Proskura Mukachevo State University
  • Тetiana Chernychko Mukachevo State University
  • Deniel Veretskyі Mukachevo State University
Keywords: economic security, digital economy, digitization, digitalization, digital transformation, integral assessment


It has been stated in the article that despite the increasingly widespread use of digitalization in modern life, there are still certain differences in the interpretation of certain terms in the economic literature. In particular, the definitions of the concepts adhered to by the majority of national and foreign economists have been presented, namely: digitization is the conversion of existing analog information into a digital format; digitalization is certain shifts in industry and business that occur as a result of the use of digital technologies; digital transformation is global changes in society as a result of digitization. Attention is focused on the fact that the application of processes related to the phenomenon of digitalization does not automatically lead to the activation of business processes and increased participation of citizens in the economic and political life of the country and does not ensure the proper quality of social development. It has been established that new problems related to digitization are emerging: protection of data processing, storage and circulation; the consequences of the implementation of various technological solutions, which can potentially lead to a decrease in the level of economic security of the enterprise. As an intermediate result, it has been determined that the term "digitalization" should be considered in a global and local (in relation to an individual enterprise) sense. The main approaches to determining and methods for diagnosing the economic security of an enterprise have been summarized, but attention is drawn to the fact that their common drawback is the lack of taking into account the specific impact of the digital economy on the activities of an enterprise. In order to eliminate this shortcoming, a variant of the methodology for assessing the economic security of enterprises, taking into account digitalization processes, has been proposed. The presented system of indicators used in the model covers five components of economic security: personnel, production-technological, financial, environmental and digital. Each component contains several indicators. The essence is disclosed and a brief description of the indicators that are in each of the components is given, and the specifics of their calculation are specified. Special attention is paid to the indicators of digital security as a component of the general system of ensuring the enterprise’s economic security. The article also pays special attention to the algorithm for conducting an integral assessment of individual components of the enterprise's economic security and an integral index, the value of which determines the level of the enterprise's economic security, taking into account digitalization processes.


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