An accountant's professional judgement should be considered as a means of improving the efficiency of the accounting system, as its application helps to ensure the objectivity, reliability and impartiality of accounting information used by users in making management decisions. The purpose of the article is to study the essence, components and process of formation and application of professional judgement of an accountant as a means of improving the efficiency of functioning of the accounting system of an economic entity. The paper clarifies the content of the concept of "professional judgement of an accountant" as a decision to choose one of the options for performing an accounting task, which is made with due regard for regulatory restrictions inherent in the functioning of the accounting system, other prejudices and circumstances, based on the professional experience and professional competencies gained by an accountant. The study outlines the problems of application of professional judgement by accountants in the domestic accounting practice, which do not allow using the studied process as a means of increasing the level of relevance of accounting data. The publication forms a mechanism of formation of professional judgement by an accountant for solving accounting tasks, which provides identification of grounds and circumstances of its application, system of regulations, determination of content of elements of professional judgement, outlining influence of economic, managerial and other factors on it, characterisation of actions at the main stages of expression of professional judgement by an accountant. The practical significance of the obtained results allows to improve the content of internal administrative documents regulating the functioning of the accounting system, to rationalise the decision-making process for performing atypical accounting tasks, and to establish effective information communication within the business entity.
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