• Lyudmila Dorohan-Pysarenko Poltava State Agrarian University
  • Maria Berkalo Poltava State Agrarian University
Keywords: land, land resources, efficiency, sown area, yield, farm, production


Agriculture in Ukraine is not just a branch of the economy, but also a real history of entrepreneurship and independence, marked by innovation and aspiration for quality and sustainable development of the agricultural sector. Therefore, it is important to identify ways of further development of this sector. Land is the basis for the functioning of agriculture and is important both for the sector itself and for global issues regarding food security, sustainable development and the conservation of natural resources. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to determine the role of farming and to analyse the indicators of economic efficiency of land use by farms. The article analyses the dynamics of farms in Ukraine since 1990, it is established that in the structure of enterprises farms at the end of 2022 occupy 5%, taking the third place by this indicator after limited liability companies and private enterprises. Land characteristics are important for the successful operation of farms, among which the area, location, fertility, relief, climatic conditions, infrastructure and the like are highlighted. It was found that the most number of farms, which had sown area, functioned in the territory of Mykolaiv, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa and Poltava regions. The study of economic efficiency of land use of farms was carried out according to the system of natural indicators. The dynamics of sown areas of the main agricultural crops for 2000 - 2022 and the share of sown areas of these crops in farms within agricultural enterprises were analysed. It is noted that both the area and the specific weight of cereals, sunflower and fruit and berry crops have increased. The main indicators of economic efficiency of land use in farms are: crop yields, production of certain types of products, gross output and others. Yield indicators of farms have significantly increased due to high quality seeds, plant protection products, application of innovative technologies and the like. Most farms specialise in grain and sunflower production. The share of grain and sunflower products produced in farms is very significant and has a general upward trend. The share of farms in the production of fruits and berries is high. On the basis of carried out calculations the conclusions are substantiated and ways of increasing the efficiency of land resources use in farms are allocated.


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How to Cite
Dorohan-Pysarenko, L., & Berkalo, M. (2024). THE STATE AND PROSPECTS OF CROP AREA UTILISATION IN PRODUCTION: A STUDY OF FARMS. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (4 (13), 40-47.