Land resources are agriculture and fertile black soils, which are among the most fertile in the world, allowing Ukraine to produce a significant share of the world's grain, oilseed and other harvests. Ecologically, land is an important resource for biodiversity conservation, human health and ecosystem services. For the economy, land resources are a platform for the development of various sectors such as industry, tourism and infrastructure (construction and development of cities, industrial complexes and other infrastructure facilities). As a social indicator, land resources affect the quality of life of the population by providing access to housing, recreational and cultural areas, as well as influencing the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the regions. Land management is an important policy issue that includes the establishment of the legal regime of land, land security for citizens and support for sustainable development. Therefore, land resources play a critical role in food security, environmental conservation, economic development and social well-being. For enterprises, institutions and organisations, regardless of their form of ownership, land is a component of property (owned and/or leased) and is an object of taxation. The relevance of the study is determined by the rather cumbersome volume of legal regulations, which are constantly changing, causing instability in the sphere of land use and its taxation. The dynamics of the land fund of Ukraine has been analysed, the regional distribution of the sown areas of agricultural crops for 2022 has been assessed using a graphical method, and the dynamics of sown areas of enterprises, farms and households in the context of the main crops up to 2022 has been carried out. The article summarises the historical stages of land fee implementation in Ukraine from "popluzhny", which was paid by naturopayment, to the land tax as a local tax as a part of the land tax and the land tax as a local tax as a part of the land tax. The main tendencies of legal regulation of land tax in legal acts of modern Ukrainian legislation are revealed. The article analyses the modern mechanism of collection of land tax, rent and single tax of group 4. The order of formation of tax indicators in tax declarations is presented, taking into account peculiarities for legal entities – land users and natural persons-entrepreneurs – land users.
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