Keywords: socio-economic transformations, digital transformation, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, innovations, efficiency, restructuring, sustainable development, industrial revolutions, cybernation


The article is dedicated to analyzing the implementation of innovative digital technologies in the recovery and development of Ukraine's economy. It examines the key aspects of digital transformation, which is becoming an essential component of the country's enterprise development strategy. The role of artificial intelligence (AI) and 3D printing technologies in enhancing productivity, stability, and creating favorable conditions for sustainable economic growth is highlighted. Special attention is given to the potential of digital technologies in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, their impact on modernizing the economy, creating new jobs, and increasing competitiveness. The ethical aspects of AI usage and the importance of ensuring cybersecurity are also discussed. The article emphasizes the necessity of creating a favorable ecosystem for innovation, which includes cooperation between the government, business, academia, and the public. The conclusion is made that digital transformation not only promotes economic development but also provides a foundation for sustainable growth and improved quality of life for citizens.


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How to Cite
Melnyk, L., Karintseva, O., Kalinichenko, L., Kharchenko, M., & Lebid, M. (2024). ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES OF UKRAINIAN ENTERPRISES DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (4 (13), 19-25.