Keywords: innovative security, assessment methodology, indicators, weighting factors, Digital Economy Development Index


The development of the modern economy is inextricably linked with the introduction of the latest digital technologies. The growth of GDP depends on the innovative activity of enterprises, cooperation between science and production, and the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies. Under such conditions, the problem of ensuring the state's innovative security becomes especially urgent. The domestic method of assessing the level of economic security does not single out innovative security as its separate component. We consider it necessary to distinguish innovative security as a separate component of economic security. The contribution of innovations to the provision of various components of economic security is significant. Innovative security has a synergistic effect on the level of economic security. Therefore, it is appropriate to single out innovative security as a separate component of economic security. An important aspect of ensuring innovative security is the development of its assessment methodology, the identification of factors that exert the greatest influence. The purpose of writing the article is to develop and test the methodology for evaluating the state's innovative security, taking into account the influence of digital technologies. A feature of the proposed methodology is that it is taken into account when evaluating the innovative security of the development of the digital economy To take into account the influence of digital technologies on the level of innovative security, it is proposed to use the Digital Economy Development Index. The development of the methodology for assessing the level of innovative safety was carried out using methods of expert evaluations, the method of normalizing indicators), the method Fishburne. The developed technique was tested. The article evaluates the level of innovative security of Ukraine during 2017-2020. It is established that the level of innovative security is at an unsatisfactory level. When developing measures to ensure innovative safety, it is necessary to take into account the influence of each of the components.


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How to Cite
Gren, R. (2022). INNOVATIVE SECURITY: ESSENCE AND ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (1 (01), 43-49.