Keywords: operational management, operational activity, operational processes, analytical tools, expert analytics, management decision-making, efficiency improvement


The article is devoted to determining the place and significance of modern analytical tools in making managerial decisions in operational management. Operational management covers a wide range of activities related to the management of the processes of production of goods and provision of services. It has been established that operational management plays a very important role in the overall management system. It is closely integrated with other management functions and has a number of specific features. It is a proven statement that the specific features of operational management require a systemic approach, flexibility and customer orientation. It has been established that the development of operational management is under the strong influence of modern global trends related to the use of innovative approaches and strategies aimed at improving the productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of organizations. The process of developing and adopting management decisions is a critically important component of operational management. It allows you to achieve strategic goals, optimize the use of resources, increase the quality of products and services, introduce innovations, effectively manage risks, improve the work of personnel, satisfying the needs of consumers as much as possible. The most widely used analytical approaches are presented, the use of which helps to increase the efficiency of making balanced management decisions in operational management. It was established that expert analytics occupies one of the most important places in the process of making management decisions in operational management. The value of expert analytics lies in the ability to use the acquired experience and knowledge of specialists to assess situations, identify problems and develop strategies. Thanks to it, experts get the opportunity to provide deep insights and analytical conclusions that cannot be obtained from data analysis alone. In complex and ambiguous situations, expert analytics allow a deeper understanding of the causes of problems and finding optimal ways to solve them. In addition, it complements analysis methods, providing a comprehensive approach to decision-making, allowing to take into account aspects that are difficult or impossible to measure quantitatively.


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How to Cite
Hridin, O., Zaika, S., & Sahachko, Y. (2024). OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE APPLICATION OF MODERN ANALYTICAL TOOLS TO ADOPTION OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (4 (13), 3-10. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.13-1