Keywords: security, cyber security, information security, digitalization of business, cyber intelligence, cyber attacks, cyber threats, cyber spies, types of cyber attacks


The study of the problem of cyber security of business in the conditions of military operations in Ukraine is extremely relevant and critically important today. The authors note that Ukraine has become an arena of active cyberattacks by adversaries, which are aimed at various sectors of its economy and critical infrastructure. These attacks can have various motivations, including reconnaissance, destabilization attempts, and economic extortion through ransomware. Many small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine may be less prepared for cyber threats compared to larger corporations. They often have limited resources to invest in cybersecurity and train their staff, making them particularly vulnerable. The authors researched that in the conditions of a military conflict, cyber security requires not only constant improvement, but also adaptation to new threats. Attackers are constantly adapting their methods to bypass security barriers, which underscores the importance of regularly updating cyber security and monitoring measures. Therefore, the study of the problem of cyber security of business in the conditions of military operations in Ukraine is necessary for understanding modern threats and developing protection strategies that meet the country's unique challenges and conditions. In the conditions of war, the risk of using disinformation and social engineering to achieve their goals by cybercriminals increases. This may include the spread of fake news, phishing attacks, and manipulation to destabilize the situation in the region. In times of war, many companies face limited resources and a shortage of skilled cybersecurity professionals. This makes it difficult to detect and respond to cyber attacks in a timely manner, as well as to take the necessary measures to protect information systems. One of the key tasks of business in the conditions of military operations is to ensure the continuity of operations. This requires effective disaster recovery plans, as well as data backups and alternative communication channels. According to the authors, cyber security of business is a continuous and extremely relevant process in modern Ukrainian realities. It is a process, since the enemy is constantly working on improving attacks - which means that we should work on improving defense. This task remains strategically important for both government institutions and private businesses. Another front on the way to our sure victory!


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How to Cite
Shostak, L., Fedoniuk, A., & Pomazun, O. (2024). FEATURES OF BUSINESS CYBER SECURITY IN WARTIME CONDITIONS. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (3 (12), 121-125. https://doi.org/10.32782/dees.12-22