The relevance of this study is related to the fact that today all social systems are developing in the context of the digital economy. The digitalisation of economic processes is occurring at a rapid pace, and the results of their impact are tangible for all economic actors. Today, the importance of using digital ecosystems for business development is beyond doubt. In view of this, the article examines the theoretical provisions on understanding the essence of digital ecosystems and the necessary prerequisites for their emergence. The purpose of the article is to define the theoretical foundations of digital ecosystems and their role in the innovation and technological development of Ukraine's economy. The research methodology includes a review and interpretation of the scientific literature on the topic. The author focuses on the issue of transition from traditional economic models to digital ecosystems, which are now the basis for building a digital economy. It is determined that a digital ecosystem is a complex network of people, businesses and systems that use digital technologies to interact with each other. The main digital tools that influence the formation of the environment in which digital ecosystems develop are considered. The main problems that impede the digitalisation of Ukraine's economy are considered. The impact of the war on the development of digital ecosystems in Ukraine is analysed. The role and importance of digital ecosystems in providing innovations to the military and business are considered. Digital projects and platforms that were developed and implemented during the war are described. The importance of further development of digital ecosystems not only during the war, but also their use in overcoming the consequences of the war during the post-war recovery period is determined. To summarise, the article offers an in-depth analysis of the impact of digital ecosystems on economic development, revealing the key aspects of their development and use of innovations in the context of the development of the Ukrainian economy under martial law.
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