Keywords: audit, auditors, professionalism, expertise, assessment, analysis, audit entities, business entities


The article analyses the audit of professionalism and expertise as an important direction of expansion of audit services. It is determined that one of the effective ways to increase competitiveness is to expand services, among which the audit of professionalism and expertise occupies a key place. It involves assessing the compliance of the level of knowledge, skills and competencies of employees with the requirements of a particular professional activity. A professionalism audit includes an analysis of the qualification characteristics of employees, the compliance of their professional skills with established standards, and an assessment of the effectiveness of training and educational programmes. The main purpose of such an audit is to ensure a high level of professionalism and competence in the relevant areas of activity, which contributes to the competitiveness of a business entity. The article analyses the audit companies from the "Big Four" in terms of managing the quality of audit services and focusing on the continuous development of staff (including auditors), in particular, the competence approach, which allows to more accurately determine the level of professional knowledge and skills of employees. The conclusions emphasise the need to develop and continuously improve the methods of conducting an audit of professionalism and expertise, as well as the importance of integrating such audits into the quality management system of audit services. In the future, it is advisable to develop the rationale for recommendations on the implementation of best practices and methodologies in future studies, which will increase the efficiency of the audit and promote the development of this area in Ukraine and abroad. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the audit of professionalism and expertise as an important area of expansion of audit services, emphasising its importance for increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of business entities in the digital economy and sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Lukanovska, I. (2024). AUDIT OF PROFESSIONALISM AND EXPERTISE AS A DIRECTION FOR EXPANDING AUDIT SERVICES. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (3 (12), 105-110.