In today’s conditions of economic instability, the country’s banking sector is experiencing challenges that significantly affect its development and financial stability. Among the main challenges is the need for rapid digital transformation, which opens up new opportunities for increasing bank’s efficiency and increasing the risks of financial instability and loss of competitiveness. All this actualises the issue of the role of digital transformation in ensuring the financial stability of banks. The purpose of the study is a theoretical generalisation of the influence of digital transformation factors on the financial stability of banks. The article defines the essence of the bank’s financial stability category. The external and internal factors for ensuring the bank’s financial stability are disclosed. The theoretical foundations of digital transformation have been studied. A SWOT analysis of digital business transformation is presented. The distribution channels of digital transformation within the company’s development strategies were analysed. The features of digital transformation in the activities of banking and financial institutions are characterised. The favourable and negative consequences of digital transformation on the financial stability of banks are presented. The prospects for developing banks in the conditions of digital transformation in the context of the growth of cyber threats and cyber vulnerabilities of banking systems are outlined. Digital transformation is a strategic process that allows organisations to adapt to the rapidly changing digital environment and take advantage of the new opportunities the digital economy offers. In the context of the banking sector, digital transformation is an irreversible natural process of changes in the mechanisms of implementation and realisation of banking activities under the influence of the development of digital technologies, which, at the same time, contains both great opportunities Big Data and AI for personalisation of banking services), and significant risks for the future of banking institutions (bank image loss, cyber fraud).
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