• Olena Kovalova Odesа Polytechnic National University
  • Anton Kucherevsky Odesа Polytechnic National University
Keywords: digitalisation, digitisation, financial sector, financial services, transparency, martial law


The article deals with the issues of digitalisation and transparency in the functioning of the financial sector of Ukraine's economy under martial law. The concepts of «transparency», «digitalisation» and «digitisation» of the financial sector are studied. The main tools for ensuring transparency, in particular, the Credit Register of Individual Borrowers, are considered, its concept is revealed and the latest resolutions of the National Bank of Ukraine are presented. The author analyses the strategies for the development of the financial sector of Ukraine, which directly play an important role in creating the basis for improving the transparency of the financial sector. Identifying the issues of digitalisation will become an effective tool for improving efficiency, reducing risks and increasing confidence in financial service providers, maintaining openness and stimulating further development of the financial sector of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Kovalova, O., & Kucherevsky, A. (2024). ISSUES OF TRANSPARENCY AND DIGITALIZATION OF FINANCIAL SECTOR ENTITIES UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Digital Есопоmу and Economic Security, (3 (12), 56-61.