The purpose of the study was to analyze the factors influencing the ecological and economic efficiency of biogas production at enterprises and households in Ukraine. The research methods were: analysis of literary sources, statistical analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and expert surveys. The article states that the growing need for ecologically clean and sustainable energy sources stimulates the development of biogas production. Factors affecting the ecological and economic efficiency of biogas production at enterprises and households were studied. It was found that the following factors influence the ecological and economic efficiency of biogas production: type of substrate, production technology, size of the biogas plant, quality of management, state support, energy prices, demand for biogas, environmental norms and social acceptability. It is substantiated that a balanced approach to assessing the ecological and economic efficiency of biogas production, which takes into account both ecological and economic aspects, can help Ukraine develop sustainable and efficient biogas production, which can bring significant benefits to the environment and the country's economy. It was determined that the use of small biogas plants can be widespread in rural households, considering that most of them have individual houses - more than 94% and outbuildings. It is argued that choosing a substrate with a high energy value and potential for biogas generation (eg, manure, food waste) provides higher biogas yield and better economic efficiency. Favorable government policies, which include subsidies, tax breaks, guarantees and other incentives, have been proven to make biogas projects more economically attractive, stimulating investment and technology adoption by households in rural areas. Optimizing biogas production taking into account all these factors can provide significant environmental and economic benefits. Household biogas production may be feasible, but requires careful analysis and risk assessment. The results of the research can be used by enterprises and households to optimize biogas production, as well as by state authorities to develop policies and programs aimed at supporting the development of biogas production.
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