Modern trends in the development of the digital economy determine the problematic aspects of the economic security of the country in general and business in particular, which requires the development of new conceptual principles for the protection of information as a resource base that has business value and becomes a digital asset in the management of business processes and the strengthening of the country's national interests. The purpose of the research is to protect the digital asset as the basis of the country's security in order to strengthen the competitive positions of the national economy as a resource base for managing business processes in the conditions of digitization using AI. In the conditions of digitalization, modern methods of managing business processes using AI go beyond the framework of business infrastructure, and therefore a digital asset having business value needs protection due to the risks of cyber attacks. The problems of the loss of a digital asset in the conditions of digitization due to cyberattacks, which the business receives in the event of information insecurity, are considered. The functions of the state in the conditions of the transformation of the digital economy are clarified and its role in the protection of the digital asset as a resource base in the management of business processes to strengthen the competitive positions of the national economy and the security of its interests and business is defined. The methods of digital asset protection using AI to predict threats to the economic security of the state's interests are characterized. The practical value of the research lies in the protection of a digital asset using innovative AI technologies, which will become a practical application due to the reduction of risks and the provision of business opportunities to manage business processes and protect the economic interests of the country. Prospects for further research are the protection of the digital asset through the development of a global digital strategy
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