The change in 2020 of the regulator of the non-banking financial services market to the National Bank of Ukraine initiated a new development of the issue of risk management of financial institutions, which was reflected in regulatory acts aimed at implementing a unified approach to risk identification, measurement and analysis. However, the exclusivity of the activities of individual participants in the market of non-banking financial services (insurers, credit unions, pawnshops and financial companies) contradicts the proposed universality and does not meet the requirements of the updated regulator regarding the risk assessment of their activities. In addition, there is a problem of state non-regulation of the choice of risk assessment methods, which limits financial service providers to subjectivity and optionality. The article summarizes the existing practice of applying risk assessment methods in the market of non-banking financial services in Ukraine, studies the legislative initiatives of the National Bank of Ukraine regarding the introduction of mandatory stress testing of financial service providers, and examines the experience of assessing their risk by the previous regulator - the National Commission, which carries out state regulation in the field of financial services markets. The reviewed methods are divided according to the criterion «ultimate goal of activity risk assessment» or according to the stages of components of a risk-oriented approach to loss assessment: definition or identification of risk, its analysis and ways to overcome it. It is noted that the best option for risk assessment is a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, which will allow to comprehensively form a vision of the problem of risk definition and its analysis. Based on the results of the review, recommendations were made for the regulator (National Bank of Ukraine) to change the uniformity of approaches to assessing the risk of non-bank financial services market participants to more specifically targeted ones due to the need to take into account the specifics of the licensing direction of an individual entity. In order to deepen the degree of consideration of the recommendations, it is proposed to study in more detail the foreign practice of risk assessment methods of non-bank financial service providers within the current process of harmonization of European legislation.
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