• Svitlana Bohuslavska Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
  • Yurii Bondar Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
  • Serhii Fesun Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
Keywords: risk, risk-oriented management, strategy, strategic management, digitalization


It is substantiated that the theoretical and methodological foundations of risk-oriented strategic management should be based on three basic postulates: the main goal of management in wartime conditions should be to focus on the timely identification of risks and their management, and making a profit should become a secondary goal after the economic and physical survival of sub business entity; risk management should contribute to the achievement of strategic business goals, and it is in them, in the medium and long term, that the vision of future profit, economic growth of the business, etc. should be based; and finally, modern enterprises will function in the digital economic world, therefore, combating digital risks should be included in the strategies of business structures and digital management, as well as the management of digital business processes should be the focus of attention of the top management of domestic companies. A definition of risk-oriented strategic management is proposed - as a set of measures for planning, organization, implementation and control of existing and potential risks for the enterprise's activity, which may have long-term negative consequences for it or manifest itself in the distant time horizons of its financial and economic activity. It has been proven that risk-oriented strategic management should involve a systematic theoretical and methodological approach and should cover a full cycle of management actions - from planning a management decision in the digital or analog space to monitoring its results, regardless of the moment of initiation of planning and control, respectively. It is assumed that in the scientific and methodological space it is necessary to combine the conceptual principles of risk-oriented and strategic management in order to form a fundamental basis for the development of practical proposals for increasing the level of management efficiency of organizations and their achievement of strategic goals even in the conditions of the appearance and manifestation of new types of risks. It is proposed to form the theoretical and methodological foundations of scientific studies of risk-oriented strategic management in the conditions of digitalization on the basis of several fundamental aspects that combine separate theoretical concepts and methodological tools of strategic management, risk management and digital management.


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